Lorraine Clarke and Cherie Strickland have for the past thirty years (cumulative) been involved in researching and compiling family histories, this led to the beginning of Swan Genealogy in 2005.
Past consultations - The Wittenoom Way by Jacqueline O’Brien and Pamela Statham-Drew; Gwambygine – Heritage listed building; Shenton Family – June Shenton-Turner; Manjimup Butter Factory, Western Power No 4 Substation Palmerston Street Perth, Western Power Substation Quarry Street Fremantle – Ron Bodycoat Heritage Architect; Family History research on over 200 families from all states of Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Italy and Croatia; CD’s on behalf of Swan River Pioneers Special Interest Group 1829-1838, The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal – January to December 1834; CD’s on behalf of the Western Australian Genealogical Society - Passenger Arrivals and Departures Swan River Colony 1829-1838, First Families of the Swan River Colony, Convict – Ticket of Leave Register Toodyay Acc 721/30, Convict – Ticket of Leave Register Toodyay Acc 721/31, Marriage Index of Western Australia 1915-1933, Colonial Secretary’s Office – Western Australia Inward Correspondence January 1829- December 1832, Western Ancestor Index 1979-2002, The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal – January to December 1833, Baptisms – Uniting Church of Australia, Synod of Western Australia 1840-1999, Warders and Gaolers – A Dictionary of Western Australian Prison Officers 1829 -1879, WA Inquests 1876-1903, Passenger Arrivals In Western Australia 1839-1890
Professional Affiliations: FamilyHistoryWA; Friends of Battye Library Inc.; Royal West Australian Historical Society Inc; New Zealand Society of Genealogists

The Terrot Story
1570 - 2020
Huguenot ancestry in France, the British Isles and Australia.
A family tree with selected materials.
Researched and compiled by Swan Genealogy
Edited by Sally Anne Hasluck

Ron Northover Memoirs & Family Photographs
A compilation of memoirs written by Ron Northover; Oral history recorded and transcribed by Lorraine Clarke.
Published and designed by Swan Genealogy

Northover - Clark Family History
Family History researched by Jean Northover.
Publication and photographs compiled by Swan Genealogy